Offer of free capacity of machines

What is our goal?

The first project of a shared economy in engineering and also a single web portal created for engineering firms where they can advertise the free capacity of their machines or machines for which they are looking for a better paid job, up to the level of highly specific engineering operations and machines.

Awareness and online access to a comprehensive database will help small and medium-sized engineering companies to increase their flexibility in conjunction with savings in information retrieval, communication and, last but not least, transport costs.

What do you need?

  • Do you have a machine for which you are looking for a better paid job?

  • Do you want to make better use of the people you already have?

  • Do you want to quickly offer products that you need other machines than you own?

  • Do you want to be seen?

What do we offer?

  • Find your new partners free of charge, based on their machines

  • Present your company and improve your name in your area and get more employees

  • You only advertise specific machines where you want to get more or better paid work

  • Be seen abroad

Tubular fiber laser

  • extreme accuracy
  • 3D machining of tubes up to a diameter of 200mm
  • maximum wall thickness – 8mm steel, 6mm stainless steel and 5mm aluminum
  • free capacity 1.5 shifts

High capacity circular saw

  • min OD 10mm, max OD 105mm, tolerance +-0,2mm
  • Brushing ends
  • washing pieces and packing as required
  • free capacity 2.5 shifts

Tubular fiber laser

  • extreme accuracy
  • 3D machining of tubes up to a diameter of 200mm
  • maximum wall thickness – 8mm steel, 6mm stainless steel and 5mm aluminum
  • free capacity 1.5 shifts

Do you want to join the portal?

Register in a simple form and our team will contact you and help you with the insertion of free capacities into the portal.


Simple subscriptions are for companies that do not have their own production and want to search and search only to cooperate and do not want to provide basic information every time they search or display company details.


Basic subscriptions are for companies that can offer their own production including free production capacities. Companies with this subscription appear to prospective customers when searching. This type of subscription also includes SIMPLE subscription features, so it is possible not only to offer but also to search.

Functions marked as gray will be available in this subscription from mid-2018.


The PREMIUM subscription is intended for the use of all portal features. It is intended for businesses that want to be presented and get searched on the portal as well as BASIC subscription but with enhanced functionality.

Premium subscription functionality will be available from the end of 2018


  • Search the portal

  • View detailed business information (contacts, activities, certifications)
  • View detailed information on search engine machines
  • View the contact details of the person responsible for the cooperation with the company you are looking for
  • Ask searched Companies

  • Demand 1-5 companies at a time
  • Managing applied queries


  • Search the portal

  • View detailed business information (contacts, activities, certifications)
  • View detailed information on search engine machines
  • View the contact details of the person responsible for the cooperation with the company you are looking for
  • Ask searched Companies

  • Demand 1-5 companies at a time
  • Managing applied queries
  • Presentation of the company and production capacities on the portal

  • View your business when you search
  • Publication of free production capacities, machines and equipment – assets (up to 5 pieces)
  • Publication of company awards and certifications
  • Publication of all manufacturing activities
  • Possibility to set up multiple user accounts within a business (e.g., for search, administration)


  • Search the portal

  • View detailed business information (contacts, activities, certifications)
  • View detailed information on search engine machines
  • View the contact details of the person responsible for the cooperation with the company you are looking for
  • Ask searched Companies

  • Demand 1-5 companies at a time
  • Managing applied queries
  • Presentation of the company and production capacities on the portal

  • View your business when you search
  • Publication of free production capacities, machines and equipment – assets (up to 5 pieces)
  • Publication of company awards and certifications
  • Publication of all manufacturing activities
  • Possibility to set up multiple user accounts within a business (e.g., for search, administration)
  • Manage Received Demands
  • Business evaluation capability
  • asic BI reporting (displaying information about search, demand, capacity development)
  • Bottleneck recommendations outside the search area
  • Advanced BI Reporting
  • View on the top TOP3 search position
  • Free production capacity monitoring in the area