Offer of free capacity of machines

Provision of production, finding a partner

Advertising, publicity, PR

Find producer

Market analysis, evaluation of the utilisation of machines

We concentrate on added value for our customers who come solely from among engineering companies and their subcontractors.

For the time being, our services are available in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia but we are working hard on the possibilities of searching for co-operators and subcontractors in Poland, Romania and Ukraine as well.

If you feel that some service is missing, send us a message and we will let you know whether we can be of help.

Our customers

What is our mission?

The mission of the KOOPERACE.CZ portal consists in furnishing the customers with complete information about engineering capacities in one place. We are proud of Czech and Slovak engineering and, therefore, we try to find or to offer the required production capacity so that the companies can become more competitive and succeed in making full use of their machines. The profession-specialised, expert and up-to-date overview of free production capacities together with necessary references increases the customers’ competitiveness, and allows for the formation of engineering clusters. Moreover, the customers are able to find a firm with a reference immediately and to receive a number of free orders regionally, saving the expenses related to the transport of material. The customers become more flexible and react quickly to fluctuations in supply and demand.